Author Guidelines

  • Author Guidelines


    Terms of submitting a manuscript:

    1. The article is written originally by one or many writers in the scope of Indonesian language and literature education. The article contains 15-20 pages or 5000-8000 words (including pictures and tables). The article’s systematics consists of Preface, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, pictures or graphics, and tables.
    2. The manuscript is written in A4 paper with Book Antiqua style, 12 font size, 1,15 line spacing. The margin size should be 3 cm for the entire document.
    3. The page number is put on the right top of the page.
    4. It is suggested the use of reference managers: MENDELEY and ZOTERO.
    5. The manuscript order are title, abstract, content, and references.  The more detailed information is described as follow:


    The title consists of:

    1. Title: no more than 15 words.
    2. Author(s) name: is fully written without any title.
    3. Institution: is completely stated, including the study program and the institution name.
    4. Corresponding author: email address



    1. The abstract is written both in Bahasa Indonesia and English. The abstract contains approximate 150 words.
    2. The content is based on the problem, the main method used, the main result that answers the problem stated, and two sentences of discussion that explain the results. 
    3. Keywords (3-5 keywords)



    The content of the article consists of a preface, method, results, and discussion. The closing, acknowledgment, and references are also the part of article content.


    1. Introduction

    Introduction mainly contains 1) the research problem, 2) the insight and problem-solving plan, 3) the research aim(s), and 4) the resume of the theoretical study. Sometimes, in this part, the author stated the result that is intended to be reached by the researcher through the study. The preface is 1-3 pages long.


    1. Method

    Basically, this part explains how the research is done. The main content of this part are 1) research design, 2) population and sample, 3) the technics of collecting data and instruments developing, and 4) the technics of data analyzing. Any tools and materials used in the research should be mentioned specifically.


    1. Results and Discussion

    The results that appeared in this part should be the main result. The data analysis process such as statistical calculation, the hypothetical testing process is no need to be presented. Tables and charts can be used to explain the result presented verbally and should be commented on or discussed.


    1. Conclusions

    This part contains a summary and suggestions. The summary presents the resume of the results and discussion of the article and is based on the research aim. The suggestion can be based on practical action, new theory development, and/or further research.


    1. Acknowledgement (optional)

    Acknowledgment to certain parties, such as research sponsorship, should be stated clearly and concisely.

    1. References

    It is suggested the use of a reference manager, MENDELEY and ZOTERO

    References should contain at least 5 references from a scientific journal which recently 9 years. If the subject is related to the articles that have been published in other journals, please cite the article. Meanwhile, there is no publication year limitation for references from books. 


    1. a)  Footnote:

    The author and title of the quoted book or text are displayed at the end of each page (footnote) with a 10 pt font size, the first line enters 8 taps, and follows the format contained in the following example.

    Maria Etty, Perempuan Memutus Mata RantaiAsimetri,  (Jakarta: Grasindo, 2004), h. 14.

    Gleason, “The Father Bridge Hypothesis,” Journal of Child Language, Vol. 14, No. 3.


    1. b) Bibliography

    Authors with the same book quoted back, either directly, have been interspersed by other authors, or interspersed with the same author with different titles, written in the following format.

    Marias Etty, Perempuan Memutus Mata RantaiAsimetri,  (Jakarta: Grasindo, 2004), h. 14.

    Marias Etty, Perempuan Memutus Mata....,  h. 14.

    W.J.S. Poerwadarminta, Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta : Balai Pustaka, 1976, h.488.

     Marias Etty, Perempuan Memutus Mata....,  h. 14.


    Here is the format of the references in Chicago Turabian Style (b), which should be listed in alphabetical order:



    Author BA, Author DC, Author FE. 2001. Title of article. Journal 60:128-132.  

    Example: Wahyudi AT, Takeyama H, Okamura Y, Fukuda Y, Matsunaga T. 2003. Characterization of Aldehyde Ferredoxin Oxidore-ductase-gene Defective Mutant in Magnetospirillummagneticum AMB-1. BiochemBiophys Res Commun 303:223-229.



    Author HG, Author JI. 2006. Title of Book. City of publication: Publisher’s name. 

    Example: Schmidt-Nielsen K. 2000. Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment. 5th ed . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Pr.


    Part of the book

    Author LK, Author NM. 1999. Title of a chapter: a subtitle. In: Editor MN, Editor OP (eds). Title of Book. 2nd ed. City of publication: Publisher’s name. p 200-235. 

    Example: Weir BS. 1996. Intraspecific differentiation. In: Hillis DM, Moritz C, Mable BK (eds). Molecular Systematics. 2nd ed. Massachusetts: Sinauer Assc. p 385-405.


    Pictures and Tables:

    Pictures and tables are separated from content pages.

    1. Pictures and tables are not presented in the body of content, but it is put on the page after references. 
    2. Pictures and tables are not put together, but they are grouped in each category (picture or table). 
    3. Information and title of the pictures and tables should be included.
    4. The picture is formated as “in line with text” format, with a 5 cm wide maximum. If the picture is a photograph, the resolution suggested is 100 megapixels. 
    5. The title of the table is put above the table, while the label of the picture is put below the picture. You should mention the name of the table specifically when referring to a certain table. For example, Table 1.